Windy City 2024 Race Details
Its looking great for Saturday!!!
We’re super excited to see you all on Saturday for 15km of downwind across Wellington Harbor!
Like clockwork the spring northerlies have arrived and are the perfect strength for us to run our long course from Petone to Eve Bay.
Wind Forecast:
Wind is looking great with all of the major forecasters showing between 17-19 knots.
Sponsors and Supporters
A huge thanks to the sponsors and supporters who make this race possible

Supporting Windy City since day 1. Get to Kayak HQ for all your surfski / waka needs.
Race Info
Race course:
We’ll race down the motorway to line up for a better downwind, cross to the top of Miramar (you must stay inside this buoy as it keeps you out of the shipping lane), paddle past steeple rock and around to a finish at Eve Bay.
Race Start:
The race start is going to be similar to an America’s cup race - a horn will sound at 1:29pm signaling 60 sec to start. The horn will then go again at exactly 1:30pm.
The start will be videoed and any paddler not behind the line when the horn goes at 1:30pm
will incur a penalty.
Race Finish:
The race will finish in Eve Bay on the south coast of Mirimar. A buoy will be placed at the entrance of the bay and it must stay on your right. The finish line will be between a buoy and a cone on the north side of the bay.
Race Day Schedule
Race start has moved earlier to avoid ferries and get slightly better wind.
11:30pm Registration and Safety check open
12:45pm Safety briefing (compulsory)
1:30pm Mass Start (America’s Cup Style)
4:30pm Prize giving, food and bar at Lyall Bay Surf Lifesaving Club - doors open at 3:30pm
Compulsory Safety Gear:
Reminder on COMPULSORY safety gear. No gear, no racing.
IMPORTANT - the tracking app has changed this year!
- Leg Leash
- Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Needs to be worn by all paddlers - it can't be attached to your boat.
- Mobile Phone & App. Fully charged mobile phone (in a waterproof pouch). This will need to have the PredictWind Race Tracker app loaded and event code activated (provided on the day).
- Hi Visibility - at least one item of hi-visibility paddle-wear.
- 2nd Communication Device - Marine flare (Orange smoke or red handheld), VHF Radio or Whistle. (at least one of these items required)
- Spare paddle (waka-ama paddlers only).
Prize Giving
Reminder that prize money for all divisions and our Element Roofing fastest km competition runs all weekend.
Prize giving will be held at the Lyall Bay Surf Lifesaving Club - club rooms will be open from 3:30pm with prize giving expected at 4:30pm.
Safe travels and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Toby and Jonno and the Windy City Downwind Team
2nd November 2024
Windy City Downwind
Wind - its what Wellington's famous for.